Join the uniform revolution!

School Store is a brand new solution that enable schools to sell their own school uniform. By selling its own uniforms, schools gain much needed funding while saving the parents lots of money.

Including an online store, stock management system, order management system, as well as a point of sale system to manage your in-person sales, our platform includes everything you need to sell your school uniforms successfully.

It's easy for a profit to turn into a loss when you have to hire more staff. Our school store's services can handle the whole process for you, so you don't need to hire additional staff and educators can focus on what's important.

Our Platform

Our platform is a feature-rich, 4 in 1 online platform that includes all the tools you need to successfully sell your school's uniform online and in person. The platform includes:

Services we offer

With School Stores you can choose our level of involvement. We can help you with the following:

Official Documents

We keep your catalogue up to date, design all your official documents and update your shop's banner regularly.

Marketing Material

Let us create captivating marketing materials for your online store, including ads in both digital and print formats.

Source Suppliers

Find the best supplier for your school uniform, negotiate favorable terms, and manage samples.

Stock Labeling

We not only receive stock on your behalf but we also label stock and include it in your current stockholding.

Parents love School Stores

It is not only the school that benefit from using the school stores platform. The parents of the school also benefit from the school using our platform. Here is some of the benefits parents enjoy when school use School Stores.

Big Savings on Uniform Purchases

Schools that follow our recommendations can save parents up to 45% on uniform costs, depending on who currently sells the uniforms. The uniform industry has a limited number of players. Due to a lack of competition, retail prices are inflated.

Online Store available 24/7

Schools that sell their own uniforms usually do so during business hours, making it difficult for parents who work to buy uniforms. Using our platform, parents can access the online store 24/7 from anywhere there is an internet connection.

Convenient and Easy to Use.

Online Store makes purchasing school uniforms easier than ever. Online store purchases are delivered directly to students without additional delivery fees. The process of returning items is also straightforward.

Proceeds use for child's education

When retail stores sells school uniform, the proceed go to the owner. When the school sells the uniform the proceeds are used for the education of the children of the parentsd who bought the school uniform.


Platform Only

Only R999 p/m

+ 3% of Sales

The use of our platform that we will design for you to represent your brand. No additional services included.

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Platform + Services

Only R900 p/m

+10% of Sales

We handle the whole process for you so no additional staff needed. We will handle everything from start to finish.Contact us

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